Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Season 2 of Teen Mom............... Amber's a crazy bitch

Yes we watch Teen Mom. This season Amber is back, looking about 50 pounds lighter and still treating Gary like shit. Tonight's episode took it to a whole nother level though, cause bitch physically attacked him as he was trying to leave with his TV. While the harmless tub that is Gary shielded himself from her in the stairwell, she kept threatening him and then eventually jacks him in the side of the head! WTF is wrong with this girl. He comes and goes at her command... talks all quiet... never blatantly disrespects her or anything. Yet she gets in his face over nothing and threatens to beat him up..

We are disgusted! Not only is Amber a moody, blotchy-faced bitch... she physically abuses Gary when he does nothing. She is even worse this season than last.

Only explanation we can think of is chick's diet pills are messing with her.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! MTV needs to do something. This can not be going on, if it was the other way around Gary would be in jail. They need to throw her ass in jail and see how hard ass she thinks she is. She is a horrible mother.
