Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Amber Portwood Proves She's a Bad Mom (Again)

I understand that the girls on Teen Mom are young.... under a lot of stress... and adjusting to the responsibilities and sacrifices required of new mothers. However there is one "cast member" that continues to disgust me, and that is Amber Portwood. (Jenelle will always be the most pathetic excuse for a mother, but she's from a different season). Anyways, Amber has once again proved that 1) she's total trash and 2) that she hasn't learned anything from her past experience on the show. She should know better by now, yet her appearances on screen are still characterized by her awful mood swings and constant bitching at Gary. One minute, she'll be all happy and dozed out on Klonopin, talking about wanting to be a happy family. The next, she's telling Gary to shut the fu*ck up because he's too loud and he talks too much. The poor guy CANNOT catch a break. It's so hard to watch... if only he had the strength to cut that girl off completely. It's obvious he'd do anything for the mother of his child, and for a lot of teen moms, this is a rarity. Amber might have had a bad family situation growing up, but given everything she has now (+ $$$$ from the show) and everything she's gone through with Gary, it's amazing that she still hasn't taken a look the mirror. It's not GARY you dumbass.... it's you!!! A person so miserable and angry is not in a position to be a good mother, and that explains why Gary and his mom have full custody.

Now a nose ring-wearing Amber is in rehab in Malibu... reportedly checked in to manage her pill addiction "anger issues". Wonder whose footing the bill for that.

Anyways, what I'm saying is, I don't wanna see this bitch back on Teen Mom until she undergoes a complete transformation. That would mean that she actually tries being a good mom (no laying in bed all day and whining when someone makes noise) and no verbal and physical abuse towards her baby daddy. What are the chances of this happening? 0. Poor Gary....

His heart is a lot bigger than his brain, that's for sure.

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