Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Joran van der Sloot: Transfer me to new prison and I'll lead you to Natalee

Joran van der Sloot is so desperate to be transferred out of a crowded Peruvian jail, sources say he has offered to say where Natalee Holloway's remains are if granted his wish. The 22-year-old accused murderer reportedly fears for his life, and has even refused prison food because he thought it might be poisoned. CNN revealed that van der Sloot is in a high security area with 24/7 protection, sharing TV time with a high profile Colombian alleged hit man.

Radio Netherlands Worldwide was the first to report that van der Sloot is claiming he will discuss the location of Holloway's body with Aruban officials only if he is sent back to Aruba. HLN reports that Natalee Holloway's father is in the country with a search team as investigators wait to hear if van der Sloot will finally lead investigators to his daughter's body.

This creep has given so many bogus stories... how can anyone believe him this time?? And why does he want to go back to Aruba so badly??

Radio Netherlands Worldwide. Joran van der Sloot prepared to say where Natalee is. June 11th, 2010.
CNN News. Desperate for Aruba: Will Joran van der Sloot Give Up Location of Natalee Holloway’s Body? June 15th, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Spotting and Dumping the Criminal Mind of the Netherlands.
    The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to as Holland, although North and South Holland are actually only two of its twelve provinces. The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands. This lexical difference between the noun and the adjective is an attribute of the English language that does not exist in the Dutch language.
    "...Consider Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork `Crime and Punishment': The criminal assumption is that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a need for those values."
    The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others. A person with a criminal mind constantly projects that others owe him something -- be it money, a job, happiness, love, or anything else of value.
    You Dutch, Joran Van der Sloot, and his entire family pretend that didn’t do anything wrong:
    You didn’t humiliated nobody, you didn’t steal nobody, you didn’t tortured nobody, you didn’t raped nobody, you didn’t killed nobody, you didn’t kidnapped nobody, and if all that wasn't enough for more than 5 long years, you cynically sadistically, persistently are playing and torturing the family of your victim, and kidnapping in your soil the remains of Natalee. Aruba is your PROTECTORAT…
    This is the way a Criminal Mind can think. Even the worse criminal tries to justify his self before committing the crime. The same way you are thinking too.
    Joran, the mama boy, was spoiled and transformed in a monster by his family, Dutch Judiciary System and the Government. He thinks that is very smart, and is in full disregard for others. The Dutch Government covered up the Joran’s crime, protected and still is protecting him. They are as guilty as him for the Natalee disappearance in Aruba, and the murder of Stephany Flores in Peru. Netherlands and Dutch people are not able to enforce a SAFE and PREDICTABLE environment in Aruba.
    For me, a US citizen born and Raised in Europe, and for all American People, the Joran Van der Sloot will be the (ICON) THAT WILL REPRESENT NEATHERLAND, AND MANY OF THE DUTCH PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE HIM, for a long time.
