Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Kristen Stewart Sucks

We aren't into the whole Twilight thing, so we can't comment on Kristen Stewart's acting skills. But we can comment on the impression we get from her via interviews, and it's one of an ungrateful brat. Aside from her most infamous quote, in which she compared paparazzi photos of herself to the idea of being raped, she's also said some other things that make her sound both ignorant and sheltered.

A few of K. Stew's other stupid quotes:

On hating Twitter:
Twitter f**ks me over every day of my life. Because people go, ‘I’m sitting next to Kristen Stewart right now’ and then they show up. I see people on their phones and I just want to take these cookies and throw them. It’s like ‘Get off your f**king phone and get a life!’ I get so mad. It’s like you’re trampling on someone’s life without any regard. And it’s rampant. Everyone can do it now. Buy a camera and you’re paparazzi; get a Twitter account and you’re an informant. It’s so annoying.”

On the life of Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson's character:
"As a vampire, he has a sad, desolate life -- fame is the same."

On not being able to do the things that "normal" people do, and her friends and family getting tangled up in it:
“My friends all have Facebook pages and stuff because they are normal people that can have those things. But they are constantly being plagued because they somehow find out I’m friends with them and then the imposters try to go on and message my brother pretending they are me. My brother and my friends always complain to me about it.”

It's like she despises the hype that has made her. If you can't stand the territory that comes with being a star and making millions of dollars, then fucking quit! Don't complain about it to the media. What a terrible existence--being followed and photographed when you're out and about. We can't imagine anything worse.



  1. I liked adventure land but the stewart shiver is annoying.

  2. 15 minutes has never been longer. She needs to take what money she's made and move to France where they will appreciate a drip like her. Everything about her sucks.
